So what exactly does Acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is effective for a wide variety of illness and disease

Acupuncture is effective for a wide variety of illness and disease

I've had a lot of questions over the past week.

"Does it treat ezcema?"

"Does it treat painful periods?"

"Does it treat sport's injuries?"

The answer is yes, yes and YES!

Acupuncture is a natural and effective method of treatment that treats a myriad of problems. 

The World Health Organisation, which is a specialised agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health, has been working with practitioners since 1979 and after numerous trials and studies have come of with a comprehensive list of disorders, diseases and conditions that is effectively treated with acupuncture:

As you can see, there isn't anything Acupuncture doesn't treat.

If you are suffering from any of the above or more, why not give Harmony Acupuncture a call to discuss further.

085 734 9390